Shoot 5

This shoot was rather small, consisting of just two fully edited images.
The first thing I wanted to shoot was hair in a shower drain. I came up with this concept while in the shower washing my hair and having to keep emptying the drain of my hair to keep the water running through.
This is perhaps not the most versatile or widespread problem however I feel that most women or people in relationships with women will be able to relate to this.
I took the photo by kneeling in the shower and getting a good angle with my camera. I had my phone torch to hand as always for the lighting.

This was the image before I edited it, and I felt that it wasn't dark enough. I did experiment with different angles of light but because the shower is white it bounces the light well and was hard to get a dark surrounding. So I decided to try and fix that in photoshop using the brush tool.

This is the image after the photoshop editing without being cinematically toned. As you can see it's much darker now with a lot more contrast. It now matches my other photos a lot more but I am a little worried about how fake it looks, but perhaps it will look better when with my other images.
I also thought that maybe when I toned the image it would look more natural to the image.

This is the finished product. The photograph shows a dramatised imag of hair in a drain. It's rather nasty to look at really as it's not something pleasant, it makes you think of uncleanliness, dirtiness and those things are almost something you don't want to be confronted with because we feel like we have to have an image of being perfect who doesn't have these personal hygiene problems.
This is further made to look gross by the way the hair product is clinging to the fallen out hair because it again shows more uncleanliness. 
This image isn't my favourite out of all that I have taken but I think it still works well.

The next image is a bit more conventional to the style of the other images I have taken images of;

This image is a little grainier than the others because of the light from the torch doesn't emit that much light and so the ISO had to be bumped up.
The image shows some earphones all tangled up, which is a common problem. I initially wanted to do this with with a pair of apple earphones because they'd be more widely recognised however I don't think that because they're not a certain brand the audience won't know what they are.
This image may appeal less to an older audience as these technological items are perhaps less widely used by the older generations. I did take a picture of the earphones before but didn't like how they turned out so this was a reshoot.
The image has a lot of the same tones as the  image of the crayon from shoot 4 with the desaturated red with hints of green. This gives a negative connotation as red symbolises anger, and when combined with he cool tones which are especially brought out on the floor of the image, it gives the photograph an overall cold and unpleasant feeling.
This problem often occurs in pockets, when you're wanting to listen to music but they've tangled themselves up while simply sitting in your pockets, meaning you can't listen to the music without having to detangle them first, and we as humans like things to be instant without problems.

I think this shoot was rather successful, I really like the concepts of the images and I feel that they were executed rather well. I would have preferred for the picture of the earphones to be less grainy but with the style of image and with my own camera it can't be helped much. I could have used a camera from the university however I hadn't actually planned to do this shoot when I had. I prefer to use my own camera because of the accessibility advantages.
